Monday, July 14, 2008

Superstition Farm Organic Garden

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today at the Superstition Farm Organic Garden, we began tidying up to prepare for tomorrow’s Mesquite Pancake Breakfast! Inside the garden, we cut down the dried up plants and composted them. As well as this, the clubhouse (or “Bunkhouse” as we learned it was called) had its trim painted and fixed (see picture). Laurie spray-painted the metal fence a charming purple to go along with it. To go inside the Bunkhouse, Suean and I stopped by her house to get a nice shelving unit. It worked perfectly for holding some of our gardening equipment!

When we first arrived at the garden, Suean pointed out something that was intriguing. A few weeks ago, we had built a pumpkin patch with mulch that “shaded” the soil. After it rained yesterday, we found that though the mulch looked wet, the soil underneath was completely dry! Also, some of our pumpkin plants that had sprouted were being eaten! We suspect that the culprits were the squash bugs in the area.

After all of our work in the garden was complete, we helped to set up for the Pancake Breakfast by putting out folding tables, sweeping the floor, and bringing out recycle bins. We cut the tops off of old water bottles and used them as vases for some flowers we grew in the garden. They made a great decoration for the tables! I can’t wait until tomorrow; hope to see you there!

~Sammy J.

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