Monday, February 16, 2009


I was just thinking of the nice mom that brought her 6 children to visit the farm yesterday. As her kids were running around the Animal Expo area, she had several questions about the farm and I enjoyed answering them and talking to her.

She then asked about my thoughts on all the salmonella recently found in foods from around the country. This was my chance to BRAG on our milk products. I asked her if she had ever heard of a milk recall. I assured her that our Arizona milk was safe. It goes through many tests to insure its safety before it gets in the grocery dairy case. I explained the procedures we had on the farm to make certain a cow that had been treated with any medications does not get mixed up with the healthy cows. I told her of the consequences we would face if we did allow any type of residues in our farm's milk and how that milk would NEVER make its way for public consumption.

As we finished our conversation, I could feel the pride I had knowing we provided our citizens with such a wonderful dairy product.

:o) Glenda

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