Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have a Great Holiday From Superstition Farm

'Twas the night before Christmas, it doesn't matter of course,

We all work on the farm, even "Lover" our horse;

The ducks sat on nests in the haystack with care,

In hopes that St. Milk-olas soon would be there;

The chickens were nestled all snug in a row,

While dreaming of juicy worms made their beaks crow;

The goats ate mamma's 'kerchief, the same with my cap,

We needed new PJ's for our long winter's nap,

When out on the cowshades there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a rabbit,

A coyote in the henhouse? I swear I will nab it!

The moon shown over the beautiful desert

Gave the lustre of mid-day my eyes they did measure,

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a miniature milk truck, and eight tiny heifer,

With a little old milk truck driver, so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Milk.

More rapid than hawks his coursers they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and moo-ed them by name;

"Now, Bossie! now, Clover! now, Buttercup and Roxi!

On, Elsie! on Maggie! on, Taurus on Daisy!

To the top of the porch! They just missed my donkey!

Good thing he's a mini - cute lil Picante!"

As mesquite leaves that before the wild dust devil fly,

As graceful as geese they mount to the sky,

So up to the farmhouse-top the coursers they flew,

With the sleigh full of bottles, and St. Milk-olas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.

As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,

Down the chimney St. Milk came - along with his hound.

He was dressed all in fur, I can picture it now,

His clothes were all covered like the spots of a cow;

Gallons of milk he had flung on his back,

Even his hound Redbone got into the act.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

His cheeks were strawberry ice cream, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a seam,

And the beard of his chin looked like whip cream;

The stump of a straw he held tight in his teeth,

Im sure he could drink any milk underneath;

He had a broad smiling face and a little belly below,

That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jell-o.

He reminded me of a turkey all chubby and plump,

And I laughed when I saw him, I fell on my rump!

A wink of his eye reminded me of Carmichael,

Happiness and laughter in my mind I could recycle;

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,

He filled glasses of milk and then turned with a jerk,

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up the chimney with Redbone;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team I knew soon,

him and those cows would be over the moon.

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight,

"Moo-ey Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Dear Friends,

It has been a wonderful and exciting year. Thank you all for cherished memories and supporting our farm. We are taking a few days off to be together. Please visit our website for our Cow-liday hours. We look forward to seeing you all again real soon. Happy Cow-lidays and Happy Moo Year!

All the best to you and your family,

Redbone, Lover, Carmichael, Miss Alison, Brownie, Farmer Jason, Cookie, Cupcake, Miss MJ, Oreo, Picante, Farmer John, Kramer, Sugar, Farmer Casey, Cocoa, Miss Glenda, Speck, Einstein, Farmer Hector, Snickers, Farmer Larry, the Chickens, the Horses, the Rabbits, the Ducks (and Geese), the Cows and the rest of the Superstition Farm Team.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Preschool teacher BLOG

Early in the month we had preschoolers from SUMC (Scottsdale United Methodist Church) visit our farm. One of the teachers, Mrs. Velarde sent us a link to her blog that I would love to share. Thanks Marin!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


What an amazing fall season for Superstition Farm. Last year we were really pleased with our support, but this year "knocked out socks off!" Along with our MooMoo Palooza last month, we had well over 10,000 folks visit our farm. We are getting nothing but positive feedback from our guests. We have received tons of thank-you notes from our students..and we guarantee we read each one. Their artwork and spelling are always creative.

We love seeing the smiles on the children's faces when they get a tickle from one of our goats or a little tongue lick from our old gentleman horse, Lover. We enjoy watching them gently petting one of our rabbits and we can see the pride in their faces when they are brave enough to hold a big hen. It is exciting to see them climb up on the hay wagon anticipating a fun ride and huge smiles as they exit the haymaze. We chuckle when we see them with a milk mustache or ice cream littered on their faces.

Thank you to all the little kids that I have asked, "What was your favorite thing on the farm today?" and their answer is, "EVERYTHING!"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Funny things kids say....

We get so many amazing, cute sayings out of the mouths of children visiting our farm. We keep saying we should write a book about them. I want to share a cute one that I heard today.

I was standing out around the goats with some children today. One little girl was brushing and petting Carmichael, our LaMancha goat. Trying to make conversation, I asked her, "Do you love Carmichael?" Before she could answer me, another little boy standing nearby, sternly asked me, "How do you know my name?" I couldn't imagine naming a cute little boy Carmichael, so I asked him, "What is your name?" He replied, "Carter Michael". I am still smiling about Carter.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wascally Wabbits!!

We wanted a pumpkin patch so bad this year! We planted seeds and the vines started growing. As it turns out rabbits LOVE pumpkins. Do you see where this story is going? So anyway, no pumpkin patch this year. However, we did come up with something we think is almost as good - PUMPKIN ICE CREAM! We are working on some great fall flavors at Udder Delights including pumpkin ice cream, cheese cake and fudge. Yes fudge!

So come on out to the farm. We did get some great pumpkins from our friend Todd at Our Organics ( and you can come out to the farm, pick one out and decorate it out here with your family. We will also be doing garden tours for anyone purchasing a pretty pumpkin. I know nobody wants to see where the rabbit buffet was, but we do have some other great plants, vines and gourds growing in our community garden.

Also do come check out our "Big Mac" pumpkin - its huge! And you can get it for only $1. Buy a raffle ticket for $1 and get a chance to win this superb specimen. Buy $20 in raffle tickets and get a free pumpkin - what a deal! All proceeds from the raffle go to our garden and Xeriscape projects. Im seeing a pumpkin lock down project in our future.

So, sadly no pumpkin patch at the farm this year, but we think this is a lot more fun anyway.

Farmer Casey

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Baby Chloé has arrived!

After the long hot miserable summer...Chloé Rose has arrived!! She was born on August 17th at 12:55pm after 18 hours of labor by c-section. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 20 inches long. After taking a month off from the farm to recuperate we are back at work. The picture above is her first day at work...resting in a milk crate. She is our first child and my parents first grandchild. We are so excited about her if only we can get her to sleep at night.

New babies!

Two of our ducks, Nicole and Taffy, have been sitting on nests for about a month now. We went out this morning and heard little peeps coming from Nicole's nest. One had hatched and by the end of the day there was three! We checked on Taffy and she too, had hatched one little duckling! Hopefully there will be more tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

From Farm to Fork

Psst! yeah you. Wanna try some handmade cheese? How about some butter? As you may know, Superstition Farm and Udder Delights are starting a organic food buying club (sign up here! We have been working on some butter and cheese recipes to offer all our friends on the farm and Udder Delights. We are at the point of getting some products out in limited quantities while the final details are ironed out and we go through the regulations of becoming a food manufacturer.

Currently, one can purchase nest run eggs at the farm and Udder Delights. Did you know all our baked goods at Udder are made with our eggs fresh from the farm? We also only use milk from the farm cooperative in our foods and at our 30 flavor Milk Bar. You can also buy real milk at both places - when was the last time you had real whole milk?!

So to our friends we are offering up a special treat. Sign up for the organic buying club and get some special treats! We will be giving away some farmstead handmade butter and cheese to all our friends who join the club. We want your feedback! Tell us what your taste buds tell you! We are excited about offering up some unique products and flavors - Agave butter, anyone? Rosemary cheese? Get in my belly!

If you are not able to join the club, send me an email. While delicious, tasty and nutritious organic foods are not for everyone, dairy products certainly are! If you are interested in some local artisan butter, cheese and ice cream (special flavors not found at Udder Delights) let me know and I can keep you all updated.

Be a part of a our local movement. Your taste buds will never be the same.

Farmer Casey

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Party Time!

We had our first birthday party of the new season today. When the reservation was made last month it sure was hot! We were pleased to wake up this morning wishing we had a sweater when we did our morning chores. Ok, it was probably in the low 70's - but this is Arizona......

Sherene (my best friend and partner at Udder Delights) and I interviewed a pastry chef - Jamie. As luck would have it, she applied for the job as we were getting ready for the party. Her interview was to decorate these cakes! The theme was farm-ey as the family actually has a ranch in New Mexico. How did she do? We hired her! :)

The family enjoyed the farm tour and animals. Yes, Carmichael was on his best behaviour today - although he was trying to pass his goat droppings to kids as Milk Duds. Some went in our arena to ride the horses while udders camped out on the hayride as a comfy home base.

We had a photographer from the San Tans News come out to take some photos they will use for a story about our farm. Gordon Murray aka "Flash Gordon" (I swear I am not making this up!) came out and saw the party, our local food tasting we prepared for our Organic Food Club and sampled some of our homemade Ice Cream. I wonder if Carmichael will make ANOTHER news story?! I need his publicist......

Friday, September 12, 2008

Animals Eating Hay and Whey?

Today I made some fresh cheese from our cows. It was a Queso Fresco with garlic and pepper - yummy! When I finished I had some whey left over. I took some to Redbone and he drank some. Handsome the Turkey also liked it. He would stick his whole head in the bowl to get a drink. Turkies are not that smart, fyi....

So since everyone else was liking it, I took the last 3 gallons over to the goats. Now, they say goats eat everything. This is true. As it turns out a group of goats will eat everything; individual goats can be picky eaters - just hang around Charmichael for a day and you will see (yes to eating children's hats, no to brocolli, for example).

So everyone turned their nose up to the whey. Except Cupcake. I watched him drink some and he liked it. I came back later and it seems this tiny little goat drank all three gallons. His stomach was so huge! He was laying on his back and tried to get up to greet me - but he couldn't roll past his big gut and ended upsidedown! Like a turtle he couldnt flip himself back the other way.

There is a happy ending. After I wiped away my tears from laughing so hard, I went inside his pen and helped him back onto his hooves. He thanked me by trying to eat one of my socks. Good ole Cupcake.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Organic fruits and veggies you can afford!

Today I met Dave. He has started an organic food buying club. Currently, people have to drive to Central Phoenix to pick up his wonderful goods. Believe me, it is worth the trip! But here is some good news! Udder Delights and Superstition Farm will be the official East Valley pick up points for his organic buying club.

We are SO excited to partner up with him and offer pickup points for the East Valley. Along with great produce and fruit he provides, Udder Delights and Superstition Farm will be offering other treats for our friends. In the future you will be able to pick up farmstead cheeses, handmade butter, delicious desserts, nest run eggs and other surprises.

I have been wanting to do something like this for over a year now. It has been difficult to find any local farmers in the valley who can take on any more work. They are already too busy! In fact many CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) are full and do not take any new customers. The best part of joining this club versus a CSA is you do not share in a crop loss if there is a disaster on a farm. You will "pay as you go."

Please support this idea. The food is beautiful and much more affordable than buying at a retail location. If you want to sign up or want any further information, drop us an email to get the started.

Farmer Casey

Superstition Farm Organic Garden

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today at the Superstition Farm Organic Garden, we began tidying up to prepare for tomorrow’s Mesquite Pancake Breakfast! Inside the garden, we cut down the dried up plants and composted them. As well as this, the clubhouse (or “Bunkhouse” as we learned it was called) had its trim painted and fixed (see picture). Laurie spray-painted the metal fence a charming purple to go along with it. To go inside the Bunkhouse, Suean and I stopped by her house to get a nice shelving unit. It worked perfectly for holding some of our gardening equipment!

When we first arrived at the garden, Suean pointed out something that was intriguing. A few weeks ago, we had built a pumpkin patch with mulch that “shaded” the soil. After it rained yesterday, we found that though the mulch looked wet, the soil underneath was completely dry! Also, some of our pumpkin plants that had sprouted were being eaten! We suspect that the culprits were the squash bugs in the area.

After all of our work in the garden was complete, we helped to set up for the Pancake Breakfast by putting out folding tables, sweeping the floor, and bringing out recycle bins. We cut the tops off of old water bottles and used them as vases for some flowers we grew in the garden. They made a great decoration for the tables! I can’t wait until tomorrow; hope to see you there!

~Sammy J.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Organic Garden at Superstition Farm

Today, the Superstition Farm Organic Garden Team fixed up a
wonderful old shed to add to our front walkway! First, we had to fill
in the cracks with drywall putty. We tried to lift our shed and put
it in the place we wanted, but it ended up being MUCH heavier than it
looked! We called on Juan to bring in the forklift and help us move
it. Thanks to his fabulous driving and precise adjustments, we
managed to get the shed in the perfect place in front of the garden.
Afterward, Juan used a chain and hook to attach the roof to the
forklift too and put it on top of the shed.

Next, we painted the shed. On the top portion, we slapped on a coat
of light blue. On the bottom, pale orange. We tested out a pretty
purple color for the trim, and it worked out nicely. After many dips
into the paint buckets, we stepped back and looked at our work from
afar. Once a run down old shed, now a beautiful clubhouse!

Hope to see you next time!

~Sammy J.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Duck Eggs!

I was worried about our newer duck! I couldn't find her and was afraid that something might have happened to her...what if one of those mean coyotes got her?? Imagine the relief I felt when I was feeding Lover the Horse and found her sitting in his little haystack! She was sitting on 8 eggs!..I think one of them is a chicken egg! She will be sitting patiently for the next 3 weeks. Perhaps then we will have some little duck soldiers strutting around. We will post some photos.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Farm Bureau Employees "Fill The Milk Can" For Heifer International

Our Muffin is famous!

Farm Bureau Employees Raise More Than $500 For Heifer International With “Fill the Milk Can” Penny Drive

Arizona Farm Bureau (AZFB) and Farm Bureau Financial Services (FBFS) employees recently raised $517.17 for Heifer International by holding a “Fill the Milk Can” penny drive. The penny drive, started in January, ran through the first part of March.

The Employee Activity Committee (EAC), which is made up of employees from both AZFB and FBFS, took on the challenge to assist Arizona 4-H Clubs purchase an “Animal Ark” through Heifer International. An “Animal Ark” is 15 pairs of breeding livestock which will be sent to impoverished villages in third-world countries to provide food and income.

The employees were challenged to fill an antique milk can with change in order to raise at least $250. When the $250 goal was exceeded, managers from both entities pitched in another $250 which boosted the total to $500; another $17.17 was also donated. The $517.17 check was presented to Arizona 4-H during AZFB’s Arizona Agriculture Day, which was held at Schnepf Farms last Saturday.

For more information about the penny drive or other activities planned by the EAC, please contact Bridgette Crosby, EAC Chair at 480-635-3606 or via email at

Photo: Farm Bureau employees in Gilbert gather to celebrate the successful “Fill the Milk Can” penny drive with Muffin the cow, from nearby Superstition Farms.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Oreo jumped out of his pen and got into a feed bag! The joke was on him!

Easter Pictures!

LOOK! Its our bunny Freckles! If you need any Easter pictures taken with Freckles please contact Kara Hendricks.
Kara Hendricks Photography

Blog by Max d'Estries

Thank you Max for coming out to our farm!