Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Farm Bureau Employees "Fill The Milk Can" For Heifer International

Our Muffin is famous!

Farm Bureau Employees Raise More Than $500 For Heifer International With “Fill the Milk Can” Penny Drive

Arizona Farm Bureau (AZFB) and Farm Bureau Financial Services (FBFS) employees recently raised $517.17 for Heifer International by holding a “Fill the Milk Can” penny drive. The penny drive, started in January, ran through the first part of March.

The Employee Activity Committee (EAC), which is made up of employees from both AZFB and FBFS, took on the challenge to assist Arizona 4-H Clubs purchase an “Animal Ark” through Heifer International. An “Animal Ark” is 15 pairs of breeding livestock which will be sent to impoverished villages in third-world countries to provide food and income.

The employees were challenged to fill an antique milk can with change in order to raise at least $250. When the $250 goal was exceeded, managers from both entities pitched in another $250 which boosted the total to $500; another $17.17 was also donated. The $517.17 check was presented to Arizona 4-H during AZFB’s Arizona Agriculture Day, which was held at Schnepf Farms last Saturday.

For more information about the penny drive or other activities planned by the EAC, please contact Bridgette Crosby, EAC Chair at 480-635-3606 or via email at

Photo: Farm Bureau employees in Gilbert gather to celebrate the successful “Fill the Milk Can” penny drive with Muffin the cow, from nearby Superstition Farms.

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