Friday, February 13, 2009

Meet M&M!

Have you ever heard that if a horse is laying down, they're sick? Not true! Sometimes horses lay down just to rest, and that's just what I caught our horse M&M doing last week! She was sleeping so deeply, I was able to open my truck door and get my camera and she didn't even move!

M&M is a sixteen year old Arabian/Morgan cross who loves kids as much as she loves to sleep. M&M is a mare, which is what we call girl horses. She is a favorite amongst the students because of her small size and her adorable face. M&M is what is called a "flea bitten gray" because of her brown spots all over her body.

M&M used to barrel race before coming to Superstition Farm. Barrel racing is run in a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels. Fastest time wins! M&M loves to turn quickly with the intermediate students - it reminds her of her racing days! M&M is also great with the beginners - she's sweet and calm. She's an awesome all around horse! M&M is so popular with the students, I've had to do rock-paper-scissors to figure out which student will ride her for that day. M&M's best friend on the farm is Chad, our 22 year old Thoroughbred gelding. Check back for more about Chad!


1 comment:

catherine gardner said...

I'm a friend of Daniel and Anjeanette Pout. I hope you dont mind me writing on your blog but I wanted to tell you how much I love your tales about the animals and the farm. I live in England and it's cold and wintery so your stories bring sunshine. Thank you.