Monday, June 22, 2009

Say "hay" to Ben!

Meet our newest addition - Ben! He's a BIG boy, coming in at almost 17 hands high at the shoulders. He is so tall, I need to stand on a bucket to get tall enough so I can put my foot in the stirrup to get on!

He is a thoroughbred, and is "off the track" which means he is a retired racehorse. When working in the roundpen, he only likes to go left - which makes sense, because racehorses run in a circle to the left!

He likes to play tricks on us too. When we are filling up his water bucket, he likes to take the hose out of the bucket and then look innocent as the water is going everywhere! He also tries to get hay on the other side of the fence - check out the picture of him bending down! Most horses don't do silly stuff like that...

He is a sweet, sweet horse and we love him!

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